Services for the surveys and inspections of underwater objects for Sakhalin Energy Ltd.
Since 2018, PetroGasTech shelf-service company, by the order of Sakhalin Energy Ltd. has been performed the contract for the yearly exploration of underwater objects – platforms and pipelines on oil and gas platforms - Molikpaq (Piltun-Astokhskaya-A) platform, Piltun-Astokhskaya-B platform, Lunskaya-A (LUN-A) platform and underwater part of pipeline system of LNG plant.
Types of work:
- Definition of the position and condition of subsea objects and structures
- Measuring of Cathodic Protection (CP), thickness of the metal of platform’s wall and pipelines
- Pipeline freespans detection and measuring (length and height)
- Marine growth removal / cleaning of platform’s inlets, outlets, sea chest.
Based on the results, the detailed reports and charts of inspected facilities and surveyed nearby area are preparing and compiling as well as pipelines freespans rectification, replacement of CP anodes and cleaning/replacement of fish protection device (FPD). Offshore activities are conducting from Ice Class Multi-purpose offshore supply vessel “Yevgeniy Primakov”. Vessel equipped with WROV and OROV systems, and full set of hydrographic equipment, diving spread, video inspection and processing stations. Precise vessel’s positioning based on the up-to-date DGNSS equipment and USBL systems for ROV’s and Diver’s positioning. Equipment installation, calibration and maintenance is carrying out by highly professional team consist of hydrographs, geophysicists, ROV pilots and divers of PetroGasTech shelf service company.